Trouble sleeping? Feeling groggy, grumpy, or hungry all day?
These all might be symptoms of not getting enough sleep. Sleep is such an important part of living a healthy lifestyle. Sleep allows our bodies and brains to function normally.
Without sleep, we can see a decline in cognitive function and rapid aging of skin and muscle cells. Chronic sleep loss can increase your risk of heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and other serious diseases. Below you will find 5 tips to help you fall asleep and stay asleep.
Tip 1: Put your worries away for the night: Keep a journal near your bed, write down the things you need to do the next day, once they are written down stop thinking about them, there is nothing you can do now!
Tip 2: Catch some rays: When you wake up; make sure you don’t spend time scrolling through your phone, or hitting that snooze button. Instead, try to get some sun exposure by taking a walk or having your blinds open. By getting sunlight directly after waking up you help set your circadian rhythm and tell your body that you will need to sleep in 14 -16 hours from now.
Tip 3: One hit wonder: What is the bed's number one use? Sleeping! Make sure you keep other activities such as: eating, movie watching, and even reading in kitchens and living rooms. By using the bed mainly for sleep you can train your brain that as soon as you lay down you fall asleep!
Tip 4: You are what you eat: Avoid eating foods with high sugar or proteins for at least an hour (the more the better) before going to sleep. Eating close to your bedtime gives you a rush of energy and then your stomach must digest the food, keeping you alert and causing you to wake up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. Instead, opt for foods that provide stress relief such as almonds.
Tip 5: Still Awake?: Still having trouble sleeping after laying in bed for a while? Avoid anything with screens (such as phones, TVs, or computers), the blue light from screens signals your brain to stay awake, and depending on what you are looking at, can cause anxiety. Get up and read a book or magazine instead. Once tired go back to your bed and try to sleep again.
* If lack of sleep continues, please consult a medical professional. Consult a medical professional before taking any supplements or making dietary changes.*
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.